Fall is around the corner and we all know that cold and flu season is on its’ heels! Let’s get you and your family prepared now so you don’t have to face the downtown and uncomfortable symptoms that come along when your immune system gives in.

Here are my favorites for building your immune system:

  1. Vitamin D – this is not your run of the mill vitamin! Vitamin D is actually a hormone with profound effects in the body. Low Vitamin D is directly linked to flu vulnerability (1); it’s a key modulator of the immune system. While most insurance companies won’t pay for a vitamin D test (go figure?), there is a simple, at home test available to help refine how much you need (contact me). While vitamin D from the sun is your best source, it’s not always practical so supplements (especially in Colorado and states north of 37◦ latitude, most of the U.S., are often necessary. Levels between 45-70 are recommended.

Fatty fish, Beef liver, Egg yolks; -Carlson’s or Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil; -D3/K2 caps or liquid (Always take D3 form with Vitamin K2 for absorption)

2. Vitamin C – greatly enhances the immune’s system’s ability to fight infections, prevent flu and shorten duration and severity of symptoms. Did you know we’re the only mammal that doesn’t make our own Vitamin C? This is why it’s so important to replenish Vitamin C daily.

Red/green pepper, Kiwi, Guava, Oranges, Strawberries, Broccoli, Kale, Brussels sprouts; -Garden of Life Vitamin Code RAW Vitamin C

3. Vitamin A – also associated with T cell function, it also helps keep mucus membranes strong which are the front line of defense against viruses, bacteria and parasites entering our bodies. Not everyone converts the Beta Carotene in foods like carrots to vitamin A so consuming actual Vitamin A rich foods is recommended.

Liver, Egg yolks, Pastured butter, Grass-fed heavy cream; -Carlson’s or Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil

4. Zinc – most all of my clients are deficient in zinc, a key nutrient for immune function as it supports a vital white blood cell type (T cells) that fights infections.

Pumpkin seeds, Grass-fed beef, Lamb, Cashews, Chickpeas (garbanzo beans); NOW Zinc Picolinate, then switch to Jarrow Zinc Balance (always take zinc with copper after 90 days to maintain balance)

5. Prebiotics and Probiotics – while the nutrients get all the press, probiotics may be even more important. Your healthy gut bugs help you digest your nutrients, detoxify your gut and balance out and support your immune system. Prebiotics feed your good guys and probiotics give you a temporary boost in good guys.

Prebiotics: Leeks, onions, asparagus, jicama, green bananas, chickory, cabbage; Probiotics: Fermented veggies like sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha, kefir, coconut yogurt (Found in the refrigerator section, NOT on the shelves); -Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra (or Kids), -Renew Life Strong and Ready

6. Bone Broth – the gelatin formed in bone broth contains key amino acids with fantastic immune system support. Here’s my recipe!

7. Elderberry – both the berries and flowers of this plant have been used for thousands of years for immune boosting. Not only for prevention of colds, flu and allergies, but it also reduces symptoms and duration (2). The berries also contain vitamins A and C along with flavonoids which boost immune function.

8. Larch arbinogalactans – these are polysaccharides that come from the wood of the Western larch tree. They stimulate the immune system to ward off infection.

9. Astragalus root – has a long history in Traditional Chinese Medicine with evidence of supporting the immune system (3).

10. Echinacea – powerful immune stimulants especially against the common cold (4) and acute upper respiratory infections (4). It actually enhances the body’s resistance to infection.

Gaia is a trusted brand for botanicals, single herb and combination products are available.

Professional grade supplements are always preferred, go to my Fullscript Portal to find my recommendations for “Immune Support” and order anytime.

 Lifestyle Tips:

  • Sleep – prioritize 7-9 hrs/night for maximum immune function. Lack of sleep is one of the quickest ways to break down your body’s defenses against infections.
  • Stress – everyday life and stress is going to happen, but excessive stress quickly tanks your immune function. Simple strategies like deep breathing throughout the day, exercise, yoga or meditation are extremely effective physiologically to keep that immune system strong.
  • Diet – let’s focus on the foods that truly nourish your body and your immune system.


  • Sugar – be aware of how much added sugar you’re getting and work toward less than 25g/day (that’s 4-5 tsp). Every time you eat sugar you depress your immune system for 5 hours! Check those labels!
  • Processed foods – they rob your body of the good stuff ☹.
  • Vegetable oils like soybean, canola and corn oil which are highly inflammatory. Switch out for anti-inflammatory fats such as olive oil, pastured butter or ghee, avocado oil and coconut oil which are also great for immunity.


  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and quality proteins like pastured eggs, meats and wild caught seafood found on the perimeter of the grocery store.

Staying healthy in within your grasp but it does help to pay attention to a few key strategies. While these may seem basic, making sure they aren’t overlooked can make all the difference!