It’s understandable that we may not see a need to purposely detoxify our bodies, after all, my grandmother never had to do that and she lived a long and healthy life! Unfortunately, we don’t live in our grandparent’s world – the toxins of today far exceed anything our world has ever experienced.

Do toxins really exist?

“Toxins” are harmful agents in our environment that may accumulate in the body and cause ill-health or disease. An analysis of the general population’s exposure to environmental chemicals by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found an average of 212 chemicals in blood or urine, 75 of which had never been measured in the U.S. population! These chemicals included:

  • Acrylamides – formed when foods are baked or fried at high temperatures
  • Arsenic – used in conventional poultry production and home-building products
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) – found in plastics and food packaging
  • Triclosan – an antibacterial used in hand sanitizers and other personal care products
  • Perfluorinated chemicals – used in non-stick cookware
  • Volative organic compounds (VOCs) – found in air fresheners, paints, cleaning products, perfumes, carpets and dry-cleaned clothing
  • Pesticides – including fungicides, herbicides and insecticides in conventional agriculture

No matter how “clean” you live your life, just about everybody shows some evidence of a buildup of toxins! The CDC confirmed that these toxins and others can accumulate in blood and body tissues creating a toxic burden. So, while we do have mechanisms to detoxify, mainly our liver and kidneys, they can easily become overburdened with the accumulation of exposures we face everyday.

For your body to detoxify effectively it takes reducing exposure and specific nutrients, many of which are lacking in typical diets. So, how can you ensure your body has what it needs to do its job?

Here are some strategies you can use:

  • Eat clean food. Whole, real foods grown without chemicals are a great place to start. Avoid omega-6 polyunsaturated fats like corn oil, vegetable oil, shortening, etc. from processed and packaged foods, high fructose corn syrup and other processed sugars, artificial sweeteners, refined flours and grains and limit alcohol. Use the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) “Dirty Dozen” list to prioritize organic purchases. Studies have shown blood levels of pesticides are drastically reduced in as little as ONE WEEK of eating mostly organic produce.
  • Clean up your cleaning products. Incorporate natural but effective alternatives.
  • Ditch chemical-laden personal care products for more natural alternatives. It only takes 8 seconds to absorb chemicals from your skin into your bloodstream! Use EWG’s database to help you discover great options.
  • Eat detoxifying foods – check out these great foods that support healthy detoxification every day.
  • Look for our RESTORE seasonal online group detox programs to get a jumpstart!

Links for finding clean food and products can be found here.

To answer our original question, do we really need to detox? Yes! Everyday and seasonally with a concentrated effort. In our current world there is no way for our bodies to keep up with the slew of chemicals we’re insulted with on a daily basis. No juice fasting or harsh colon cleanses are required. Join our seasonal detoxes to learn more and have fun in the process!