By the time many women hit their mid-forties and are past child bearing years they are ready to be done with THE PERIOD. It’s so enticing to think menopause is the answer and be done with all the inconveniences of our monthly cycles! While there isn’t a test to diagnose “menopause,” it’s well accepted that when follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) blood tests show levels consistently at 30mIU/mL or higher along with the absence of menstrual periods for a year (without other pathology) one is officially there.

Even though it sounds good and menopause is just a normal biological process, there are actually significant risks associated with early menopause. Risk factors that can set you up for early menopause include smoking, history of earlier cycles (starting young), shorter menstrual cycles and a history of heart disease. With more girls experiencing hormonal imbalances causing precocious puberty (developing sex characteristics before age 8 and menstruating before age 9) the risk is increasing considerably. Early menopause actually places women at higher risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and early mortality. One study showed U.S. women with non-surgical menopause before age 40 had a 50% higher mortality rate than those age 50 or older and women starting menopause between 40-49 had a 35% higher risk of mortality than those over 50 (Gold, et. Al., 2000).

The Good News

While embracing that wonderful monthly cycle may not be your first choice, reducing your risk of early menopause and celebrating the protection it provides you with is within your reach! It all starts with a healthy, whole food based diet and lifestyle factors that support hormone health. A diet similar to the Mediterranean Diet is a great place to start. Incorporating regular exercise, reducing exposure to toxins such as endocrine disrupting beauty products and stress management are the next important layers.

If you’re already “official” – early or not, it’s never too late to make sure you are producing adequate hormones to sustain your health.  Yep, even in menopause we need and produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone; they just come primarily from the adrenal glands instead of the ovaries.  Yes, we’re dependent on our “stress glands” – we have to keep these guys happy! There is a lot that can be accomplished with nutrition and lifestyle!

If you’re looking for help to balance your hormones so you can feel good until the transition to menopause is appropriate, check out our RESTORE Hormone Happiness program or contact me to get you going in the right direction! So much can be accomplished with natural solutions, there’s no reason to accept uncomfortable symptoms and dread that week each month.